You know we like to stay a step ahead of the game here at SEP, especially when it comes to fire sprinkler product standards.
A new Loss Prevention Standard (LPS 1667) was introduced in January 2025, relating to non-commercial sprinkler pump sets. The ‘Requirements for pump sets used in domestic and residential: automatic sprinkler and low-pressure water mist installations’ guidance details the requirements for Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) certification of electric pump sets used in domestic and residential automatic sprinkler and low-pressure water mist systems to installation standards such as:
- BS 9251:2021 (Fire sprinkler systems for domestic and residential occupancies)
- BS 8458:2015 (Fixed fire protection systems. Residential and domestic water mist systems)
- BS EN 16925:2018 (Fixed firefighting systems. Automatic residential sprinkler systems)
Pump sets may be designed to:
- draw water from a water storage tank,
- boost incoming towns-mains supply, or
- be shared use by the domestic water supply to a building and the automatic sprinkler pump.
The Standard includes various requirements for the design and operation of residential/domestic pump sets, including (but certainly not limited to) the following:
- Automatic weekly testing
- Full latch-on if fire mode activated (via flow switch)
- Pressure drop ‘nuisance’ monitoring
- Pump run-on if pressure not restored after jockey cycle (possible fire mode)
- Condition monitoring of various types, both visual and audible
Grundfos FireSAFE+ units also have real-time data logging, which records pump starts, tests, pressure switch and flow switch activations, faults and configuration data – this is invaluable in the case of troubleshooting, as a full log history of events is significantly better than a simple ‘snapshot’ of the current status.
We will take this opportunity to stress again – as we do countlessly to our customers – whenever you visit a Grundfos FireSAFE+ unit, for service or repair, then always take a set of log files. It’s a two-minute job with a USB, they can be read with a phone adaptor, they can be emailed to us if necessary, and they should be filed as part of any visit report.
We’re pleased to assure our customers that the Grundfos FireSAFE+ units that we stock (CM units only) and distribute already comply with these new standards, meaning they (and we) are a step ahead. We can also offer free training at our premises, based on the CM models.
The full LPS can be read and downloaded here: Pump Sets LPS
If you have any concerns or specific questions relating to this or any other product supplied by SEP, please Contact Us .