As part of our range of booster pump and test equipment, SEP offers this Dry Riser Test Pump unit, which is available in two sizes (up to 13.5 bar for most UK risers, and up to 18 bar for Irish and more demanding applications).
New customers ask “is it much slower when compared to the OLD METHOD of using a Godiva pump?”. Our customers tell us that comparing the whole job of unloading and preparing the Godiva, setting up the job, starting and running the tests, packing up again…our solution is actually quicker, cleaner and quieter – the actual fill-time of the riser is only part of the whole job. Several of our customers now have multiple SEP DRTPs, and it seems (like an iPhone) once you’ve experienced the ‘new way’ then there’s no looking back!
Using world-renowned Grundfos vertical multistage pumps with a comprehensive outlet manifold, pressure switch controls, and mounted on a steel skid, our unit solves many problems encountered during this task.
As always, when buying from us, you will expect high levels of service and top quality, as well as the following numerous advantages compared to standard methods of dry riser testing:
- 230v pump can be easily powered from maintenance vehicles using an in-vehicle inverter, generator or even local accessible power supply.
- Sprinkler industry Bailey 7 Mackey 1381 pressure switch ensures the pump runs only to your pre-determined set pressure, cutting in again automatically if required due to pressure drops.
- No need to carry, manoeuvre and start (or try to!) heavy petrol-driven pumps.
- No need to carry a separate and risky flammable fuel supply.
- Virtually no noise compared to running and revving petrol-driven pumps, making it perfect for buildings such as residential, office, school, care home etc.
- Pump set can be fed by vehicle-mounted water tank or external supply.
- No need to remove pump set from vehicle to carry out testing routines.
- Test sequence can become a one-person task instead of multi-person.
- Increased reliability and easy maintenance using off-the-shelf parts familiar to most fire sprinkler engineers.
Standard Specification Includes
- 230v Grundfos vertical multistage pump (CRi1-23 up to 13.5 bar, or CRi1-30 up to 18 bar).
- Outlet manifold including 1" and 2" outlets, check valve and gauge.
- Pressure switch (Bailey & Mackey 1381, 14 bar) adjustable but factory pre-set to 12 bar. Differential approx. 0.4 bar; if you require more control then the 1381V upgrade is recommended.
- Electrical control module, loose for mounting where suitable.
- Powder coated steel-skid mounted for full stability and professional looks.
As standard we also offer the following options:
- Any 230v pump up to 2.2kW subject to power supply availability.
- Variable differential or higher pressure pressure switch.
- Calibration certificate for pressure gauge.
- Manifold design and build to suit your individual requirements, including different outlets and connections.
- Please refer to data sheet for further information.

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