We are pleased to announce what we are pretty sure is the first SEP-employee newborn!
Cameron, our Operations Manager, who started early in 2020 (just pre-Covid), and his partner Beth welcomed the gorgeous 8lb 4oz Olivia into the world at 12:05 on 26th July 2021.
Cameron, who returned to work on 9th August, after a month-long absence, says “the pregnancy seemed to last a lifetime, with multiple difficulties from the very first week of finding out we were expecting; like many others, we had to face many challenges alongside a difficult pregnancy, through a pandemic, while trying to keep ourselves and baby safe”.
Some customers and suppliers may have noticed his reduced activity recently, which was unfortunately due to both him and Beth contracting COVID-19 (almost certainly from a hospital appointment) just days before they were supposed to have an induction, which then had to be postponed.
Cameron continues…“due to severe difficulty breathing, I was blue-lighted into the 5-star all-inclusive Stepping Hill Hospital where I remained for almost a week while they kept me topped up on oxygen and used me like a pin cushion. Coming home and adjusting was difficult and it’s been a slow road trying to get back to normal… then, just a week later, we welcomed our little girl into the world and our semi-normality was thrown out of the window again. Beth and baby are doing really well, and we’re enjoying every moment (including the sleepless nights) of our new family.”
We wish Cam, Beth and Olivia all the very best… now, we just need to get him back to full speed!