NEW Compact Belt Compressors

Guy ParkerLatest News Leave a Comment

Re-developed for one of our growing customers, for installation into one of the UK’s largest power stations, we introduce our new compact-design belt-driven compressor. Belt-driven compressors are used where larger output is required, beyond our extensive range of wall-mounted units.

With immediate effect, all basemount units will lose the old board-mounted panel (which we admit was a bit messy with Unistrut-mounted plastic board, galvanised pipe manifold, test outlet and mounted contactor which may be subject to vibration) and we will instead be using our one-piece stainless steel manifold as used on all of our other compressors – along with our high quality pressure and electrical controls.

The changes have the following benefits to our customers and their clients:

  • Height reduced significantly, and weight reduced by around 10kg
  • Reduced risk of air leaks through multi-piece manifold
  • No need to reach over unit for manifold or electrical maintenance
  • Floating electrical enclosure for secure wall-fixing
  • Slick and neat design, with our signature silver powder coated baseplate

Our range of belt-driven compressors are available as follows:

Contact us now to ask for more information and pricing

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