SEP Training Room

Guy ParkerLatest News 1 Comment

After some time in development and completion, we are excited to announce that our Training and Demo room is now open for business!

This is something we could never have dreamed of creating, until we moved premises late in 2022, but now it’s here.

Our aim here is not to recreate a sprinkler pump room or similar, we leave that to others who know more about it – we are entirely focused on our ability to demonstrate to, and train, customers (and, if helpful, their clients) and will be able to cover the following topics:

  • Our product group ranges, and how to make the best selection
  • Installation, set-up and commissioning tips
  • Maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Customer-led innovations

Initially, we have the following products all set up and ready to go:

We intend to completely avoid dry ‘stand and show’ demonstrations, and want the space to be as interactive as possible, with all participants encouraged to touch, feel and have a play!

Rather than have a list of dates for customers to choose from, we feel it may be better to work around demand as it arises and be flexible (part of our Ethos, of course). As this article is released (May 24) we are currently looking at August/September dates.

So, please contact us now to ask how we can help you, your team and your clients deliver the best products in the best way, direct from the manufacturer!

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