You know we like to stay a step ahead of the game here at SEP, especially when it comes to fire sprinkler product standards. A new Loss Prevention Standard (LPS 1667) was introduced in January 2025, relating to non-commercial sprinkler pump sets. The ‘Requirements for pump sets used in domestic and residential: automatic sprinkler and low-pressure water mist installations’ guidance …
Free SEP training
We’re delighted to shout from the rooftops that our training/demo room has been getting lots of use recently – just over the past couple of months we’ve had teams from Alpine, Tyco/JCI, ASAP and Bailey Fire. In fact, as we write, there is only ONE slot remaining until May! Don’t forget, we can tell you everything you wanted to know …
Zone Guardian installation tips
One of the things which is coming out of our (free!) training sessions is that it’s not always possible to install our Zone Guardian strictly in accordance with the instructions… which, funnily enough, might mean that there are problems down the line… we cover all of this in our sessions, and will be producing some videos shortly, but here are …
Pump Initiation Boards
At SEP, we know that ‘Pump Initiation Boards’ is a relatively hotly-contested market, which is why we try to stand out and be the best at what we do – which is designing, making and testing thoroughly all products which leave our workshop, whilst at the same time providing the best service to our loyal customer base. We think this …
Duplex Compressor Benefits
For many years, SEP has included in our range what we call the ‘Duplex compressor station’, which as far as we know is a unique offering (not the only unique product in our range, either). Over the years its principles of operation have effectively remained the same, but like many of our products the design has evolved – to meet …
Jockey Pumps: stocked at SEP
SEP is shortly going to be holding a small stock of fire sprinkler system jockey pumps, so that emergency breakdowns and repairs are a little less of a disaster! Jockey pumps are a critical component within pump-fed fire sprinkler systems as they maintain a certain set pressure in the pipework. A positive pressure needs to be maintained simply because the …
Christmas closed dates
Rob and the team at SEP would like to take this opportunity to thank all customers for your business during 2024 (where did that year go?!). We have made some great strides this year with some product developments and improvements, and the exciting introduction of our training/demo room. In thanks for our fortunate position, we have again asked some key …
Take five and win!
As our regular customers, or at least their fitters, may have noticed, for some time now we have been including a little brew/treat pack in each box of ‘proper kit’ purchased, including compressors, Zone Guardian, Initiation Boards, Alarm Valve Booster Pumps, and multiple purchases of smaller items. Want to know what’s in it? Well, you know what you need to …
Grundfos FireSAFE+ training @ SEP
SEP’s FREE customer training sessions are going down a storm in Stockport, with our latest visitors saying; “I have had some extremely positive feedback from the lads; they really enjoyed it and gained a lot so thank you very much. I am just in the process of looking at the next group to send on 10th December…” So, as well …
What is a Priority Demand Valve?
According to BS9251:2021 (Fire sprinkler systems for domestic and residential occupancies — Code of practice) a Priority Demand Valve is a “valve for isolating the supply to the domestic service in the event of sprinkler operation” (BS9251:2021 3.22), and according to paragraph such a device is required where the available flow rate does not exceed 25lpm (for Cat 1 …