Re-developed for one of our growing customers, for installation into one of the UK’s largest power stations, we introduce our new compact-design belt-driven compressor. Belt-driven compressors are used where larger output is required, beyond our extensive range of wall-mounted units. With immediate effect, all basemount units will lose the old board-mounted panel (which we admit was a bit messy with …
SEP Training Room
After some time in development and completion, we are excited to announce that our Training and Demo room is now open for business! This is something we could never have dreamed of creating, until we moved premises late in 2022, but now it’s here. Our aim here is not to recreate a sprinkler pump room or similar, we leave that …
New! Actuated Ball Valve PDVs
Due to developing customer demand, and our drive to always look at extending and improving our range of specialist products for the fire sprinkler industry, we are pleased to be able to launch a new style of Priority Demand Valve. We already manufacture solenoid PDVs in sizes from 15mm to 50mm, and butterfly PDVs in sizes from 65mm upwards – …
Calibrated Pressure Gauges
Calibrated/certificated pressure gauges play a pivotal role across numerous industries, providing precise measurements critical for safety, efficiency, and quality assurance. They are intended to accurately measure and test the pressure within a system, ensuring performance and mitigating potential risks. In a fire sprinkler system, or a dry- or set-riser system, testing for leaks and for checking system’s ability to perform …
A Summary of BS9251 British Standard for Fire Sprinklers
BS 9251 is a British Standard that pertains to the design, installation, commissioning, and maintenance of fire sprinkler systems in domestic and residential buildings in the UK. Its primary aim is to enhance fire safety measures, particularly in residential properties, by outlining requirements for the effective implementation of automatic fire sprinkler systems in order to preserve life and property. Unlike …
Priority Demand Valve price drop
In a world of ever-increasing prices, we’re sure that our customers will be happy to receive this breath of fresh air. With immediate effect, we are able to reduce prices across the range of our PDVs (Priority Demand Valves)! How can we do this? Well, there are two main reasons – firstly, our ongoing successful growth in this area since …
Dry Riser Test Pump upgrade
Since we first launched our DRTP following a customer request, over 3 years ago, it has been growing in popularity in the UK, and we’ve even sold some overseas. The main reasons for its growing popularity – as given to us by real-life users in the field – are: It’s cleaner, greener and so much quieter than petrol/diesel machines; Powering …
Domestic Pump Sets-2-go
As most of our customers will know, we are a preferred distributor for Grundfos FireSAFE+ domestic and residential booster pump sets. In fact, we are not just a distributor, but we are a STOCKIST, and we have invested heavily – to the point where we probably have more finished stock than Grundfos themselves! This means that we can give great service on delivery, at great prices …
Christmas Wishes from SEP
At the end of another crazy – and gone-too-fast – year, the team at SEP would like to wish all of our customers (old and new, big and small) the very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Thank you, again, for keeping us on our toes and extremely busy! We will be closing for Christmas on the afternoon of Thursday 21st, …
SEP’s oldest compressor?
We are always receiving photos of compressors on dry, alternate or tail-end fire sprinkler systems – call us ‘sad’ but we always love to see them, whether they are ours or someone else’s (especially someone else’s actually, as that means that it’s likely to be replaced with one of ours!). Almost exclusively, this is because they are not working for …